New minor release. Welcome get it!
The new release. I have added the ability of resolving all the IP's,
and changed the HTML a little bit. Enjoy :)
The bugfix release is available for download.
The bug was rather small, and I was rather happy with fixing it in CVS
some weeks ago and leaving release files as is, but since two people have
reported me about that bug - I decided to make a release.
So, current release is 1.4.1.
I have eventually managed to integrate Denis Tokarev's patch
for summarization by subnet address, removed ignore parameter, added
ignore_ip and min_traffic parameters and made a release.
Welcome to downloads page for .tgz and .zip files.
The CIPAF has moved to the SourceForge.NET, and now me
(Anatoly Ivanov)
is the maintainer of the project.